sábado, 9 de novembro de 2013

ECER 2014

“Caros/as associados/as: É com grande satisfação que anunciamos que a Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação (SPCE) e o Centro de Investigação, Difusão e intervenção Educacional (CIDInE) se encontram a colaborar com a Universidade do Porto na organização do próximo ECER 2014 – European Conference on Educational Research – que terá lugar no Porto de 1 a 5 de Setembro de 2014. Esta colaboração tem vindo a desenvolver-se na sequência da candidatura conjunta apresentada pelas duas associações enquanto membros da European Educational Research Association (EERA –http://www.eera-ecer.de/). Trata-se de um evento de enorme relevância no panorama da investigação no campo da Educação e, como tal, contamos com a presença e participação de associados/as. Destacamos as condições especiais para os/as associados/as da SPCE no que diz respeito ao preço da inscrição na conferencia. Salienta-se ainda que na composição da Comissão Organizadora Local se encontram diferentes colegas que são associadas da SPCE: Carlinda Leite; Helena Costa Araújo, Isabel Menezes, Amélia Lopes, Sofia Marques da Silva. Ao dispor para qualquer esclarecimento. Cumprimentos, A Direção ---- INFORMAÇÃO SOBRE O EVENTO - EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH - ECER 2014, 1 - 5 September 2014 - The Past, Future and Present of Educational Research in Europe - Website: http://www.eera-ecer.de/ecer2014/ Important Dates 01.12.2013 Submission starts, 01.02.2014 Submission ends, 01.04.2014 Registration starts, 02.04.2014 Review results announced, 31.05.2014 Early bird ends, 01.06.2014 Presentation times announced, 15.07.2014 Registration Deadline. Member of a National Association in EERA Type Registration by 31 May (Delegate/Low GDP - 120 EUR /Post-graduate student/Low GDP - 45 EUR) Registration from 1 June (Delegate/Low GDP - 135 EUR /Post-graduate student/Low GDP - 55 EUR). ------Conference Theme: In 2014 EERA is celebrating its 20th anniversary. This event offers an excellent opportunity to look back on the development and impact of educational research in Europe – as well as looking forward to its future. The EERA/ECER conference in Porto 2014 provides a time and space for the educational research community to be self-reflexive – to evaluate its strengths, weaknesses and possibilities. Educational research currently faces a number of challenges. It covers an extremely wide and varied range of activity, incorporating most disciplines within the academic world. The recent calls for interdisciplinarity create issues of academic identity. Moreover, the economic crisis in Europe is squeezing research budgets – and this at a time when policy-makers increasingly see education as the solution to a whole range of economic and social problems. Educational researchers need to consider how they can provide sound evidence with which to address these ambitious agendas. Lessons from the past might be crucial to imagine different educational models and alternatives which demand a complex understanding of changes and the definition of values towards which education research would be committed. To interrogate what society expects from future generations is a key point to discuss different strategies, understanding expectations, aspirations and curiosity. To comprehend the core of education research in the past and in the present might turn into a reconceptualization of the school in itself. Given this, a number of questions are pivotal: What have been the major successes and failures of education research communities over the last decades? What can we learn from our past to help build our future in these turbulent times? Do the ways in which educational research has been used in practice and policy within Europe provide a good foundation for the future? Or do we need to develop different strategies? Can research be seen as a means to purpose radical alternatives? Can education research purpose robust suggestions and solutions? How can we ensure that, within the climate of increasing Europeanization, respect for national and local research priorities and practices is balanced with the need to find shared research aims, themes and methods? And finally, would it matter if educational research as a distinctive field disappeared? Keynote Speakers Madeleine Arnot Madeleine Arnot is a Professor of Sociology of Education at the University of Cambridge. She holds an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Uppsala, is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, Sweden and a Professorial Fellowship at Jesus College, Cambridge. She is member of the British Sociological Association and the British Educational Research Association. Gert Biesta GERT BIESTA (www.gertbiesta.com) is Professor of Educational Theory and Policy at the Institute of Education and Society, Faculty of Language and Literature, Humanities, Arts and Education, University of Luxembourg. He previously worked in Scotland (University of Stirling) and England (University of Exeter). He has a PhD from Leiden University, the Netherlands, and received honorary doctorates from Uppsala University (2004), Örebro University (2007), and the University of Oulu (2013). Marilyn Cochran-Smith Marilyn Cochran-Smith is the Cawthorne Professor of Teacher Education for Urban Schools and the Director of the Doctoral Program in Curriculum and Instruction at the Lynch School of Education, Boston College. A teacher education scholar and practitioner for nearly 30 years, Professor Cochran-Smith is widely known for her work in teacher education research, practice and policy and for her sustained commitment to teaching and teacher education for social justice with inquiry as the centrepiece. António Nóvoa ANTÓNIO NÓVOA is a full professor at the Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon. He has been Rector of the University of Lisbon between 2006 and 2013. He was awarded the Grand Cross of the Portuguese Order of Public Instruction in 2005. His work in History of Education and Comparative Education is being published in 15 countries. He has taught in Genève, Paris V, Wisconsin, Oxford and Columbia-New York. Agnès van Zanten Agnès van Zanten is a sociologist and senior research professor at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). She works at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement at Sciences Po in Paris and is the editor of the "Education and Society" collection for Presses Universitaires de France. She directed for several years the CNRS's network Réseau Analyse Pluridisciplinaire des Politiques Educatives (RAPPE) as well as the French Sociology Association's network on the sociology of education and training. Saudações cordiais, Rosa Branca Silva Pinto -- Mestre em Ciências da Educação / Secretariado da SPCE - Sociedade Portuguesa de Ciências da Educação: Rua João de Deus, 38, 4100-456 Porto/ NIF: 502 459 280 Telefone/Fax: 0351 22 600 95 25/ Segunda a Sexta-feira das 9h às 13h/ E-mail: spce.geral@gmail.com/ Website: www.spce.org.pt/ Facebook: www.facebook.com/SPCE1990/ Twitter: www.twitter.com/SPCE1990/ NIB: 0033 0000 0003 1158 244 05”

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