quarta-feira, 14 de janeiro de 2015

5th ENSEC Conference

“Dear colleagues and friends, We have the pleasure to announce that the SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS for 5th ENSEC Conference - 1 to 4 July 2015, University of Lisbon, Portugal - is now open ENSEC (The European Network for Social and Emotional Competence) is a growing network of European Researchers and Practitioners who are interested in children and young peoples' social and emotional development and particularly in working to develop their resilience and their social and emotional competence. We expect that the 5th ENSEC Conference dedicated to Social Emotional Learning and Culture will provide a valuable opportunity for researchers, and practitioners to discuss and disseminate their work. All the information can be found in the Conference website: http://www.fmh.ulisboa.pt/ensec2015/ Email for abstract submission: ensec2015@fmh.ulisboa.pt Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15th January Confirmation of acceptance of papers: 15th February (notification will be sent by email) We would appreciate the dissemination of the information through your contacts network. Thank you in advance Best regards, Celeste Simões ---- Aventura Social, Associação: Rua Pereira e Sousa, N.º 53-57, 1350-242 Lisboa / +351 963 276649/ www.aventurasocial-associacao.com | www.aventurasocial.com

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