quarta-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2013

[esreamembers.ibl] Call for papers

“Dear ESREA member, I'm especially glad to announce the call for papers for the first conference of ESREA new network Interrogating transformative processes in learning: An international exchange. The the theme of the conference is What’s the point of transformative learning? The Conference will be held in Athens, Greece, 27th-29th June, 2014. For more information please see the attached file. All the best, Sofia - Sofia Nyström, PhD Senior lecturer Secretary of the European Society for Research on the Education of Adults (ESREA) - www.esrea.org/ Linköping University /581 83 Linköping,Sweden/Phone: +46 13 282095/Mail:sofia.nystrom@liu.se/Visiting address: The Department of Behavioral Sciences and Learning (IBL), Campus Valla/ Please visit the division for Education and Adult Learning at www.ibl.liu.se/pedvux/ Please visit Linköping Universty at www.liu.se/ Please visit me at www.ibl.liu.se/medarbetare/Nyström-sofia”

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