quinta-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2012

ECER 2012 - Cadiz - 17 - 21 Sept 2012 - Call for Proposals

“EERA, European Educational Research Association and the University of Cadiz, Spain, invite Educational Researchers to participate in and to submit proposals for the European Conference on Educational Research 2012.
The conference theme "The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All" will provide a focus for the keynote addresses and for other invited events. It may also be taken as a reference within the conference sessions organised by the EERA networks. However, proposals for contributions are welcome from all fields of educational research. Participants are invited to hand in up to two abstracts for papers, posters, workshops, round tables and symposia. All proposals must be handed in electronically via the online submission form. PhD students and emerging researchers are especially invited to participate in the Emerging Researchers' Conference by submitting proposals to the Emerging Researchers' Group.
The ECER is the annual conference held by the European Educational Research Association (EERA). It welcomes close to 2.000 scholars each year, representing views and research traditions from all parts of Europe and also attracts researchers from other parts of the world.

Emerging Researchers' Conference: 17- 18 September 2012
Main Conference: 18 - 21 September 2012
Submission Deadline: 01 February 2012 (all proposals to be submitted online!)
Information on Review Results: 01 April 2012

CONFERENCE THEME: "The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All"
Major events at the beginning of this millennium, such as the economic crisis, increasing migration, and of people who become refugees, the reorganization of relations between states and trans-national agencies and the influence of free communication on the Internet, arise the need to think about the role of Educational Research as means to ensure and enforce freedom and promote education and the comprehensive development of citizens of the whole world.
Read more on the conference theme

Prof Rosi Braidotti, Utrecht University
Prof Marcelo Caruso, Humboldt Universität Berlin
Prof Fuensanta Hernández Pina, Universidad de Murcia
Prof Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Teachers College, Columbia.

Submissions need to be directed to one of the 28 EERA networks and can be handed in as Paper, Poster, Round Table, Workshop or Symposium. In order to avoid a possible misplacement of your submission please carefully read the Network Descriptors on the EERA website.
All submissions have to be handed in via the ECER submission system. To access the system you first need to create a user account. Please consult the information about the format of presentations before handing in your submission.
Information about networks, formats of presentation and submission guidelines is available at the EERA website.
The closing date for submission will be 1 February 2012. No late submissions will be accepted!
Browse through EERA Networks
Information on Formats of Presentation and on how to write an Abstract for ECER

The university campus is located within the city center, close to the Genovés Park and the Caleta beach. The main venue of the ECER 2012 is the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters.
It consists of different areas that range from wide classrooms to small cosy ones with a warmer atmosphere, meeting rooms and wide public central areas.
The local organising committee will provide an online booking form for hotels and will be glad to help you with your reservation. Information on hotels will be available in January.

EERA was founded in 1994 to promote educational research in Europe through fostering cooperation between European associations and institutes of educational research, and international government organisations. It is organized as an umbrella organisation and only allows institutional membership.
Please note, scholars who have joined one of the EERA member associations are entitled to reduced conference fees.
You will find a list of EERA member associations on the EERA website.
EERA member associations
Looking forward to welcoming you at ECER
EERA and the Local Organizing Committee of ECER 2012.”

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