domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

[esreamembers.ibl] Vacancies: 3 professors (Chairs) in education

”Dear colleagues, Please find links to advertisement for three professors (chairs) in education with different speciality at Linköping University, Sweden. Please distribute through your networks. Deadline for application is May 23. These positions offers a great opportunity to be part developing successful research environments in education at Linköping University. The University has a strong track record nationally as well as internationally in educational research. During the last years the university has been amongst the most successful in attracting external funding from the committee for educational science within the Swedish research council, and the publication track record is amongst the best in the field in Sweden. Although an issue of negotiation, the positions are generally funded 80% by the faculty in order to cover the professors time for own research, supervision of PhD students and research leadership/administration. The remaining 20% of the time includes teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, doctoral courses, administration or research covered by external funding etc. Tied to each chair is funding for the employment of a certain amount of doctoral students and/or postdocs. Professor in education, focusing on school and teacher training Professor in education focusing on workplace learning Professor in education specialising in didactics (pedagogy) Best wishes, Andreas Fejes --------- Professor and chair of adult education research (Vuxenpedagogik) Pro-Dean for research and doctoral studies, faculty of educational sciences, Linköping University Editor of the European Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults (RELA) - Presentation: Department of Behavioural Sciences and Learning Linköping University 58183 Linköping Sweden Tel: +46 13282136 Fax: +46 13282145 Mobile: +46 736185553 E-mail: ________________ esreamembers.ibl mailing list: /”

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